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Scarlett Bergam

George Washington University Medical Student

2021-22 Fulbright South Africa Scholar

Hi, I'm Scarlett. I graduated from Brown University in 2021 with my Bachelors in Public Health and my Masters of Public Health in Global Health. Today, I am a first-year medical student at GWU. I am a future physician-scientist with a passion for equitable global health partnerships and efficient public health interventions. The purpose of this site is to increase the visibility and accessibility of my work as I continue to grow as a health researcher and medical practitioner.

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Research Interests

On the surface, my research is centered around the field of HIV and sexuality, primarily in South Africa and Kenya. However, each of my research projects utilizes theories of behavioral health, health equity, and health technology to tell a story. The big idea is this: there are so many novel medical technologies out there—from apps that provide social support for chronic health conditions, to daily pills that can prevent HIV infection, to saliva-based rapid tests for HIV. However, my work asks, "If the technology is available, then why is nobody using it?". Through clinical trials, qualitative focus groups and interviews, literature reviews of successful interventions, ethnographic observation, and population-wide epidemiology, I strive to answer this question so that we can connect medicine to people.

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